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Comprehensive coverage of all the latest releases and updates to the most popular products.Q:
X-frame-Options with Xamarin Android
We are trying to use X-Frame-Options in Xamarin Android to protect our Silverlight content from clickjacking attacks. We found out that it is supported in Chrome via META tags.
Unfortunately, it is not supported in Xamarin Android.
Does anyone know if it is supported in the future?
We've discussed the topic with the Xamarin team and it's likely that they will add X-Frame-Options support in the future. We should have something available in the next release.
Prevalence and characteristics of microgranulomas in the gut mucosa of patients with H. pylori infection: analysis by the Ziehl-Neelsen method.
To determine the prevalence and characteristics of microgranulomas in the gastric mucosa of H. pylori-positive patients. Two hundred and seven gastric biopsy specimens from H. pylori-positive patients were examined for the presence of microgranulomas. A high-resolution magnifying instrument equipped with a modified colour video camera and computer software (original magnification x10) were used for counting the number of microgranulomas. The results of our study showed that microgranulomas were present in 99 (48.2%) of 203 patients. All age groups were affected, with a peak prevalence occurring in the second decade. Of the 203 patients studied, 59 (29.1%) had positive cultures of H. pylori, whereas 146 (70.9%) were negative for this bacterium. A significant relationship was found between the presence of microgranulomas and H. pylori infection, but not with the age of the patient. Microgranulomas were predominantly found in the antrum and, to a lesser degree, in the corpus. In comparison with patients with negative biopsies, patients with H. pylori had a higher prevalence of microgranulomas (P Surface properties of the mammalian cutaneous mast cells 01e38acffe
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A report on teaching and learning in early childhood is available from the OECD s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) team. It provides a summary of the current state of research on teaching
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